My husband and I had been trying to conceive for 13 months when we got our big news and believe me after 13 months that positive test was a huge surprise and a shock. In fact, I took 2 tests before I could believe it.
I didnt have any symptoms other than a late cycle and cramping, but since we had been trying and using temping, charting, and an ovulation monitor, I figured it wouldnt hurt to test. I took the test (First Response) and was so nervous. Then I was in shock and had to take a 2nd test to prove to myself that it wasnt just a false test! Based on my estimated due date of August 5, 2014 (although by my calculations its actually August 7, 2014) I was 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant when we got our positive test result. Michael wasnt home when I took the tests, so I laid out a shirt I bought him that said "Daddy est. 2014" and the positive tests on the bed for him to see when he got home. When he got home I told him I had a present for him in the bedroom. He saw what I had laid out and started crying and hugging me and asking "are you sure." It was such a surreal moment.
We had our first doctor's appointment on December 18th (7 weeks 1 day) and our first ultrasound was scheduled for January 9th (10 weeks 2 days). Michael wanted to tell everyone right away, but being a Librarian and reading too much for my own good, I was scared to tell. I managed to convince him to wait until Christmas to share our news. It drove him crazy, but he agreed to wait.
8 Weeks (Belly is 40") |
9 Weeks |
My first obvious symptom was hormonal anger which started at 5 weeks, but didnt last long. I quickly went out and bought the books What to Expect When You're Expecting, My Pregnancy Week to Week, Baby Bargains, and Baby 411. I started feeling nausea and bought a pregnancy journal, What to Expect Pregnancy Journal and Organizer, at 6 weeks. We told my mother-in-law our news on December 24th with a picture fram and she was thrilled with the news. I told my mother and Meme on Christmas day, also with picture frames. We werent able to follow through with our normal Christmas tradition of going to see my dad's parents and family since we were in the process of organizing funerals for both of my sister-in-laws, but my dad and step-mother came by before they left to see my grandparents. They were both thrilled. My step-mom's jaw dropped and my dad cried. It was wonderful. We sent announcement picture frame gifts with them to pass on to my grandparents, since we couldnt be there when they celebrated Christmas.
I experienced the most extreme of my nausea between 7 and 9 weeks, but I didnt actually get sick. The nausea was only better when I was eating and I let myself get hungry the nausea came back in full force. The only smells that really bothered me were chicken and our dog's pill pockets. I didnt have any serious cravings, but melon was definately on the top of my "want" list.
I bought the first of my maternity clothes in January because my skin was super sensitive and I couldnt stand anything to be snug and the button trick to make your pants fit better never worked for me. In fact, I hated the belly band too.
At our first ultrasound at 10 weeks, we didnt get to hear the heartbeat, but we were told it was beating at 162 bpm and much to my husband's disappointment the scan showed one baby, not two (he was hoping for twins).
Not long after our first ultrasound we received the first bill from our OB. I was really surprised, but they want us to pay the full balance before the baby arrives! I guess on the plus side, its one less thing we have to worry about after the fact.
On January 24th I made a huge decision. I took off my wedding bands because I was already swelling and I was afraid they would get stuck. I feel so naked without my rings on and I am always rubbing my hand expecting to find them.
By week 13 (the end of the first trimester) I had gained 4lbs and my belly had grown 2 inches. I was craving lemonade and melon and my biggest symptom was constipation. We also decided on our nursery theme: Nautical / Ocean.
11 Weeks |
13 Weeks |
Swollen Hands at 12 weeks |
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