Baby's Name: Genevieve Estelle
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 08/06/14
Original due date: 08/05
Delivered at: Baptist of Little Rock, AR
Weeks pregnant: 40w 1 day
Baby's weight: 7lbs 6 oz
Baby's height: 20 inches
In labor and just arriving at the hospital |
I went in for my 40 week appointment on 8/5 at 4pm. I was at 2" cm, 60% effaced, and -2 station. Hardly any change from previous weeks. The doctor did a membrane sweep and told me that it might help me start progressing. The procedure was very painful! After we left the office we went to Bed Bath and beyond and Home Depot to pick up a few things while we were still in town ( we live an hour away). After we finished our errands we went to eat dinner at the Macaroni Grill for dinner.
The waiter made a huge deal out of it being my due date. Michael ordered drinks and I went to the bathroom….and it happened. My water broke! I was so shocked! Everything I read said that my water breaking before labor started was not likely to happen. I walked back to my table (Michael said I had an odd look on my face) and told him I thought my water broke. He asked if I was sure and I replied "no." This all happened as the waiter returned with our drinks. He saw our expressions and looked at Michael who “replied her water broke. " Michael left the waiter a tip and we rushed back to the hospital.
We went straight to triage who confirmed that my water had broken and I had progressed to 3 cm, 80% effaced, and -1 position. I progressed quickly, but the baby didn't finish dropping until the morning of 8/6.
I delivered on 8/6 after 20 hrs of labor and 4 hours of pushing. She sat at my tailbone/pubic bone for 3 hours of the pushing phase. I ended up with a 2nd degree tear. During hard labor we had one nurse and one student nurse (her first delivery) in the room with us. The doctor came in during the last 15 minutes or so. Michael had to assist the nurses during the pushing phase by holding me in the different laboring positions ( I labored on my back, side, and on all fours). I ended up nauseous and sick through much of my hard labor. In fact, I dry vomited several times. It is so hard to hold your breath and push when you are vomiting! .
After Genevieve was born, I didnt want to hold her at first because I was still shaking hard from the labor and I was afraid that I would jerk and drop her since I could feel the stitches they were giving me to repair my tear. When she arrived she was grey and purple from all the vernex and birth goo, but once she was wiped off she was a perfect little baby! They examined her next to my bed and I had Michael go with her to take some pictures. She scored an 8/8 on her APGAR test.
Michael and I spent the first hour after delivery bonding and staring in aw at our new baby girl. After about an hour we welcomed our family in to see her. She was surrounded with her grandparents (My parents and step-parents and my mother-in-law) and her Aunt Adri. Later her great-grandmother, Meme, stopped by too.
I did have an epidural, but I dont feel like it was really working during the last 2 hours or so. By the time she was born I had full sensation back in my legs.
My first meal after delivery was a gluten free sandwich and cupcake from the Dempsey Bakery that my dear friend Renee brought to me. It was so sweet and so appreciated. I was so hungry, I swear I could have eaten 10 sandwiches and I basically inhaled the one I had!
For the first 2 days I had a catheter because I was so swollen nothing would come out of my urethra.
On Friday I was discharged, but was told Genevieve needed to stay because her bilirubin had gone up from 11.8m to 12.4. Of course they released me after the pharmacy closed and I was told I could stay in my room since my baby was still a patient, but I would no longer receive meds, postpartum supplies or nursing care. Michael didnt feel like he could drive to another pharmacy since I couldnt get out of bed without help.
They were supposed to put Genevieve under light therapy Friday night, but never did since the on call doctor didnt submit orders. Saturday at 1pm she was finally discharged by the new on call doctor, who said we never should have been kept since her levels were only minimally high and told us to follow up with our pedestrian on Monday. So we were at the hospital for a whole extra day and I was a whole day in pain for no reason. When we were discharged Genevieve's weight had dropped to 6lbs 15oz and when we went to the doctor on Monday (2 days later) her weight was already back up to 7lbs 4 1/2 oz! Her jaundice was under control by Wednesday, 4 days after we were discharged.
Overall our birth experience was not what I expected, although I will admit, that I didnt really know what to expect. We came prepared with a birth plan, but even though we attended all the birth related classes the hospital offered, we werent really prepared. I think that my birth experience was colored by the shock of going into labor, since we didnt expect to go into labor on her due date. Although we had many unexpected experiences, we were so glad that we were able to finally meet our little girl. Our hearts are so full of love and joy at her arrival.
Just Born |
One day old |
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